The origin of sound
Headjoints (America)
Headjoints from the US are mostly the powerful ones where it suits professional soloists in reaching great dynamic ranges as well as contrasting styles.


Brand New

Headjoints (Japan)
Headjoints from Japan often provide super sweet sound. Japanese flutes gain its popularity with a more affordable price and stable playing conditions.

Headjoints (Others)
Still, makers from other countries produces headjoint with their unique characters.

Brand New (Any specifications)
Headjoints (Wooden headjoints)
According to the past history, flutes are mostly made on wood where the changing needs of orchestras and high production costs of wooden instruments pushes the flute industries a step forward into metal flute making. Still, wooden instruments have their own characters which they provide soft sound where lots of players love their sound without sharpness.

Brand new (Accept order of any types of wood)